Our Values
Qualified Leaders
All our local churches are Pastoring by qualified native missionaries ( Pastors)All most all are having life changing ministry experience and practical Christian life.
Supported Leadership
We support all our missionary pastors and family financially, mentally and spiritualy. To support and encourage we have appointed state wise leaders and coordiantors.
Leadership Approach
We value an approach to ministry that proclaims and demonstrates the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Preach the Word and Love the People), and is evangelistic, relational, and involved in community life.
Long-term Approach
We value a long-term approach that enables rural churches that have reached financial stability to collaborate with us in helping other rural churches, while receiving leadership and encouragement from us.
Christian Character
We value Christian character, specifically integrity, Christ-like love, humility, and faith, in all that we do as a mission and as individuals in our mission. We are committed to the Word of God for all that we are and all that we do.
Qualified Leaders
All our local churches are pastored by qualified native missionaries (Pastors). Almost all of them have life changing ministry experience. They all follow and extraordinary Christian life.
Long-term Approach
We value a long-term approach that enables rural churches that have reached financial stability to collaborate with us in helping other rural churches, while receiving leadership and encouragement from us.
Supported Leadership
We support all our missionary pastors and family financially, mentally and spiritually. To support and encourage we have appointed state-wise leaders and coordinators.
Christian Character
We value Christian character, specifically integrity, Christ-like love, humility, and faith, in all that we do as a mission and as individuals in our mission. We are committed to the Word of God for all that we are and all that we do.
Leadership Approach
We value an approach to ministry that proclaims and demonstrates the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Preach the Word and Love the People), and is evangelistic, relational, and involved in community life..